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Supporting the Club

There are many ways in which parents can support the operation of Ythan ASC.  In fact the club simply cannot operate without the help of parents and enthusiastic adult helpers.  The club is operated entirely by volunteers, we have no paid staff and we rely heavily on parental support.

It is critical that we have a steady stream of “new” parents coming along to help when their kids begin swimming, to replace those lost to us once a swimmer leaves the club.

Club Nights

We have a desk at the door of the pool throughout our sessions on Friday evenings. This is where the swimmers check in before getting changed for swimming.  This desk is also used to distribute fee notifications, to collect fees from swimmers and to distribute new information to swimmers and parents. The club expects that parents take turns in manning the desk, and will be asked to spend one hour at some point during the school term.  We ask that you volunteer by selecting a date and time-slot on the rota. It's a great way to meet and get to know other parents!

You can also help by becoming a committee member, part of the fundraising team or STO (swimming technical official).

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